Calm in the Face of Disaster – Connectivity Heroes

By Cambium Networks

Heroes don’t need to be superheroes with incredible powers. Movies with incredible graphics show how superheroes are different from us. What is more impressive is when people just like us use the talents they have and go about their business with a quiet resolve amid a chaotic situation. Their action is an inspiration that serves as an example of how each one of us can stand up and improve our world.

Each quarter, we receive many nominations for our Connectivity Hero Awards. The winners selected for the third quarter of 2018 are people who calmly and professionally went about their business building connectivity in the midst of a crisis. Their humble poise and “can do” attitude represent the highest aspiration in the communications industry and brings out the best in aid agencies and first responders at the disaster site.

We celebrate the efforts of these professionals to building the hope for people whose lives are permanently affected by a disaster.

There are many others around the world achieving great things with connectivity. Please review our previous winners of the Connectivity Hero Award and nominate someone for a future award.

Published October 18, 2018