With the recent launch of the third generation of ePMP™, Cambium Networks’ customers are seeing unprecedented performance, scalability and reliability in their networks. The introduction of MU-MIMO in a cost-effective solution has further separated the ePMP platform from the competition. In a world where spectrum is limited, interference levels are high, and bandwidth demands are greater than ever, Cambium Networks has delivered a home run with ePMP 3000.
ePMP3k Is for Real:
Cambium Networks’ customers are seeing a significant increase in scalability and AP capacity with the upgrade to ePMP 3000. Given the large investment made in previous generations of ePMP, Cambium Networks protected those customers by ensuring and delivering on backwards compatibility. This “no subscriber left behind” philosophy is enabling thousands of customers to take advantage of upgrading the AP while migrating subscriber modules (SM) at their own pace. The performance improvements speak for themselves:

“We’ve certainly seen increases in capacity, changing from the ePMP 1000 to the ePMP 2000 and then to the ePMP 3000. We previously had access points that we had closed off for new sales that we were able to open back up and onboard new customers.” -MATT LARSEN, VISTABEAM
Here is what another wireless internet service provider (WISP) had to say about their experience after switching over to ePMP 3000:

“We started with ePMP 3000 equipment about six months ago with some beta testing. We have now more than 25 ePMP 3000 access points. And I can’t say what the limit is for now because we haven’t reached that yet. But we have some sectors with more than 40 users which are at very low frame usage on the 20MHz channel.”-GIUSEPPE SOCCI, DIMENSIONE.
It is not often that you hear customers say they haven’t been able to find the limitations of a product! In comparison to the previous generation of products, ePMP 3000 adds industry-leading throughput and provides up to five times the performance. With this new generation of ePMP, WISPs can expand their networks as needs evolve and build sustainable businesses.
Come See for Yourself:
Cambium Networks will be showcasing the full ePMP family of products at WISPAPALOOZA the week of October 14th in Las Vegas, Nevada. Come see for yourself why the WISP market is so excited about this disruptive product.