uGPS Connectivity Issues on Units Deployed
in APAC and Russia

Document Number FSB9072
Revision 001v00
Download the PDF version Application APAC and Russia
Effective Date December 21, 2017
Expiry Date June 1, 2018
Warranty Service High – Perform immediately
X Informational Medium – Perform at next scheduled maintenance
Customer Specific X Low – Perform when system exhibits symptoms

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SUBJECT: uGPS Connectivity Issues on Units Deployed in APAC and Russia (previously posted as FSB1801; no other change has been made to the text of that FSB.)

MODEL / SYSTEM AFFECTED: 1096H (Universal GPS Module) deployed only in the region below, highlighted by the red arrows.

REASON FOR SERVICE: Interference from a satellite launched in the second half of 2017 is causing interference with some GPS receivers throughout the Asia Pacific and Russian regions. In particular, certain Cambium Networks uGPS units, deployed in the regions, periodically lose their connection to the GPS satellite network and thereby cannot provide the 1 PPS signal needed to synchronize Access Points.


RESOLUTION: A firmware update to fix the issue is now available. This fix requires the uGPS unit(s) to be returned to an Authorized Cambium Center for the firmware update. If you are experiencing uGPS connectivity issues on a device deployed in the region within the red box above, please go to and open a support ticket with the subject “uGPS Update.” Cambium Support will help you determine if the unit is impacted and provide you with a process for returning the uGPS unit(s) for this firmware update.

If you have a question about anything contained in a Field Service Bulletin, please open a ticket via phone or the Cambium Support Center.

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