Cambium Women–Leading Excellence in Technology

By Cambium Networks

At Cambium Networks, we celebrate the achievements of all employees. We are a global company with one team of diverse individuals who each draw from their abilities and experience. This gives Cambium a broad and rich background so that we can understand customer needs and technology, and it enables us to deliver innovative solutions that exceed expectations. Our culture recognizes and challenges people based on merit, and those leaders who excel in demonstrating our core values rise to lead projects of increasing value.

Many women have excelled at Cambium. I am deeply grateful for their contributions worldwide. Today, I would like to highlight five areas where women have led Cambium Networks teams to deliver world-class solutions.

Development Engineering – Technology innovation is at the heart of our business, and our mission is to develop industry-leading capabilities. Our well known LINKPlanner software development team is led by a woman, and this year, Cambium named an exceptional woman an engineer Fellow, in part because of her detailed and dedicated work on developing the PMP 450m massive MU-MIMO technology software.

Legal – A global company must be compliant with regulations and precise in defining business relations. Led by a woman as our General Counsel, our legal team deftly dives into legal and technology issues and consistently creates a business relationship that is good for our customers, partners and employees.

Product Management and Training – Each product/training manager has to satisfy demanding customers by offering the best technology at an affordable price. Our fast-growing products are led by a highly skilled, customer-focused, detail-oriented women product and training managers. 

Sales and Marketing – Because of their success with prospective and existing customers, women on our Sales team have brought significant growth and new revenue to the company. In fact, our top sales engineer is a woman; she is a customer support master and is especially adept at solving technical and deployment issues in the field.

Supply Chain – In our competitive marketplace, delivering quality products on time is vital. We recently named our first female Vice President of Supply Chain in recognition of this executive’s outstanding contributions in meeting demanding deliverable goals and have empowered her to lead our global supply chain team as we continue to grow.

Role models for the professionals of the future 

Each woman at Cambium Networks serves as a powerful role model for young women pursuing careers in tech. One of our corporate priorities is to support wireless technical education for women and thereby attract more women to the profession. In fact, talented women managers are emerging across the company. Cambium is, in effect, grooming the next generation of female leaders. 

Going forward

I predict that the women professionals at Cambium will set even higher levels of achievement and excellence in the future. While each employee is special at Cambium Networks, encouraging this uniquely qualified yet underrepresented group is our priority, and I am looking forward to continuing to support the professional growth and advancement of the impressive women at Cambium Networks.

Published March 9, 2018