Cambium and Disaster Tech Labs Reconnecting Puerto Rico

By Ray Savich

Nonprofit communications rapid responder Disaster Tech Labs has rushed to the aid of storm ravaged Puerto Rico, bringing Cambium Networks solutions to restore vital Wi-Fi access for continuing restoration and public safety efforts.

Disaster Tech Lab’s team of volunteers landed on the island within days of Hurricane Maria to find 80% of the population without power and over 75% of the territory’s communications systems inoperable. In cooperation with local and international relief organizations and powered by Cambium Networks, they’re working to restore Internet access across disaster response centers, rural communities, hospitals, and municipal facilities.

Using Cambium PMP 450 and Force 180 (Bridge in a Box) units to build the backbone, and ePMP 1000 for local distribution, DTL spokesperson explains “We aim to provide a resilient communications network that will allow these locations to stay connected in occasions where other communications networks are knocked out by extreme weather events”

About Disaster Tech Labs: At Disaster Tech Labs we use Wi-Fi to reconnect disconnected communities in disaster zones across the globe. We also support other disaster response organisation by providing IP-based communication services.

Learn more about this ongoing project in the Cambium Community

Published December 8, 2017