Visionaries Deliver Exceptional Digital Experiences

By Cambium Networks

Creative visionaries and innovators pave the way for transformative digital experiences. Cambium Networks recognizes these trailblazers through our Connectivity Hero Award. We celebrate those who go above and beyond to connect the unconnected, making significant strides in enhancing commerce, education, healthcare, and resilience in the face of disasters. More than 70 people have won this recognition since 2017. Our most recent honorees have distinguished themselves by delivering exceptional digital experiences, embodying our core values of innovation, dedication, and excellence in connectivity solutions.

Q4 2023 Connectivity Heroes

Our theme for the fourth quarter focuses on delivering exceptional digital experiences, a critical aspect in today’s technology-driven world. We’re thrilled to announce two individuals whose work has not only pushed the boundaries of technology but also significantly improved how businesses operate and serve their communities.

Chaz Hager, President, Northriver IT

Chaz has led Northriver IT to the forefront of innovation by pioneering the use of cnMaestro X Assurance capabilities. This advancement has dramatically improved enterprise digital experiences, offering unparalleled network management and operational efficiency. By leveraging intelligent automation and application optimization, Chaz’s work exemplifies how visionary leadership can harness technology to simplify operations and focus on strategic business outcomes. Read more in this press release.

Trevor Green, Group Managing Director, Reedbut Group

Under Trevor’s leadership, the Reedbut Group has seen groundbreaking improvements in warehouse and manufacturing operations. By implementing indoor Wi-Fi and centralized cloud management, Trevor’s innovative approach has revolutionized how the Group manages its operations, ensuring seamless connectivity and operational excellence. This not only enhances productivity but also sets new standards in the industry for technological adaptation.  Read more in this case study.

2023 Hero of the Year

The pinnacle of this year’s recognition goes to an individual whose contributions have profoundly impacted the hospitality sector, offering guests unparalleled digital experiences during their stay.

Steve Cole, Managing Director, Central IT Solutions Limited

Steve has been instrumental in transforming the UK’s hospitality landscape by providing secure Wi-Fi connectivity to holiday park guests. This initiative not only elevated the guest experience but also demonstrated the power of connectivity in creating memorable and seamless digital experiences. Steve’s leadership and innovative approach have set a benchmark for others to follow, showcasing how strategic investments in technology can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and business performance. See how the Pentewan Sands holiday park improved security and guest experiences in this case study.

Moving Forward

These heroes, through their innovative solutions and leadership, have not only advanced their organizations but also contributed to the broader goal of enhancing connectivity across different sectors. Cambium Networks is proud to support and celebrate these individuals who, with their groundbreaking work, embody our mission of connecting the unconnected and delivering exceptional digital experiences everywhere.

Join us in congratulating our winners and stay tuned for more inspiring stories of connectivity, innovation, and leadership from around the globe. Together, we’re not just building networks; we’re shaping the future of connectivity.

Published March 25, 2024